LightHOP is a "Prayer Room" that also meets as a local church. The Prayer Room is our focus. One facet of what we pray grows from our time in the Prayer Room is a church that truly expresses Jesus' body.
The concept of what we call our Prayer Room is Biblical. From Genesis to Revelation, the theology of coming together boldly before the Throne of God, letting Him lead us to "one accord", is throughout the Scriptures. It takes a little study to see it, but once you see the House of Prayer in the Bible, you really can't "unsee" it. At LightHop, we have spent a few years developing some of these concepts and putting them into practice. This page is simply a collection of what we think are basic essentials for understanding what we feel the Lord leading us to and why.
To pray in the Prayer Room requires no experience, education, or initiation. Anyone can do it! But, there is a lot to know for those hungry to understand why the Prayer Room really is basic to a community-wide expression of Jesus' heart. We pray you find the following collections of teaching and meetings helpful in your pursuit of Jesus!
Tabernacle of David "Must Haves"
Tabernacle of David "Must Haves"

David's Tabernacle: Prophetic (Tom Stolz) - 10.21.16

Introduction to the Tabernacle of David (Tom Stolz) - 10.2.16

Davids Tabernacle: Must Be Ordered (Tom Stolz) - 11.4.2016 Midnight Cry

Revelation and Authority

Musical Nature of Jesus' Return (Tom Stolz) - Midnight Cry 11.18.16

Davids Tabernacle Must Be Expensive (Tom Stolz) - Midnight Cry 12.2.2016

The Tabernacle Must Be Antiphonal (Tom Stolz) - Midnight Cry 12.16.2016

Tabernacle of David Centered on Israel (Tom Stolz) - 1.6.2017
OneVoice Meetings
OneVoice Meetings

OneVoice Worship and The Spirit of Prophecy and Tongues in Meetings (Katie and Tom) - 10.10.17

OneVoice Spirit Filled Servants (Tom Stolz) - 9.12.2017

OneVoice Praying for Israel (Jessica Concannon) 8.8.2017 - FULL MEETING

OneVoice The Tabernacle Reaches for More (David Kyhn) 6.13.2017 - FULL MEETING

OneVoice Repentance (Paula Glenn) 5.9.2017 - FULL MEETING

OneVoice Dilligence to Run the Race 4.12.2017 (Vicki Friess) - FULL MEETING

OneVoice: Pray-Reading the Bible (Jacob Friess) - 3.14.2017